lijiaxing 发表于 2013-4-23 09:17:28


xiaof 发表于 2013-8-17 10:54:49


zcw1987 发表于 2013-8-17 21:50:41


546267667 发表于 2013-8-19 22:21:52


1988guo 发表于 2014-1-17 17:01:29

zhchyl999 发表于 2010-1-14 21:06
楼主的这个例子我已经用ANSYS做了一遍,前面的结果都好的,可是我在后面后处理时候没有显示所谓那个八个图 ...


ybli 发表于 2014-1-27 15:20:07

dllsu 发表于 2012-5-11 08:50

了解声学分析难得的一个好例子,灰常感谢楼主,受益良多啊 :)

! mesh volume 1
vsel, s, , , 1
vatt, 2, , 2               ! air medium
smrtsize, 1               ! specifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element sizing
mshape, 1, 3D          ! specifies the element shape to be used for meshing, triangle-shaped elements
mshkey, 0                ! free mesh
vmesh, 1

1988guo 发表于 2014-2-20 17:28:25

ybli 发表于 2014-1-27 15:20
楼主在GUI中对球体自由划分网格可行,但是A ...

1、Volume 1 is being meshed entirely with FLUID30 tetrahedra, which canbe much less accurate than bricks.Use quadratic (10-node) tetrahedraif available.
2、Possible brick to tetrahedron interface detected at area 20 on volume 1. The current element (type 2) does not support the required transition shape (pyramids).No transition between bricks and tetrahedra will be defined.
3.Real constant 1 referenced by at least element types 4 and 2.
4.Meshes made up of 10 percent or more of FLUID30 tetrahedra are not recommended.
5.Element 3 references undefined SONC of material 1.

ybli 发表于 2014-2-21 16:30:47

1988guo 发表于 2014-2-20 17:28
1、Volume 1 is being meshed entirely with F ...

说明:1. 代码主要基于楼主代码稍作修改,不用GUI干预操作,可以完全自动完成建模、求解以及结果查看;
         2. 新手,结果不知道准确与否,不对之处还望各位大神指正 :lol

/clear, nostart
/filname, Acoustics_Plate_v01
/title, Acoustics Analysis Example

! ---------------------------------------
! define element type and material parameters
! ---------------------------------------
et, 1, solid45               ! used for shell modeling
et, 2, fluid30               ! 3D acoustic fluid element
et, 3, fluid130               ! 3D infinite acoustic element
r,3, 0.3, 0, 0
et, 4, fluid30, , 1, 0         ! acoustic fluid element with pres degrees of freedom

mp, ex, 1, 2.1e11               ! material 1 - steel, elastic modulus
mp, dens, 1, 7800            ! density
mp, nuxy, 1, 0.3               ! poission ratio, or "mp, prxy, 1, 0.3"
mp, dens, 2, 1.21               ! material 2 - air
mp, sonc, 2, 344

! create the model
wprota, 0, -90, 0               ! rotate workplane
sphere, , 0.3, 0, 180          ! SPHERE, RAD1, RAD2, THETA1, THETA2
wprota, 0, 90, 0
block, 0, 0.1, -0.002, 0.002, -0.1, 0    ! BLOCK, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2
block, -0.1, 0, -0.002, 0.002, -0.1, 0
vglue, 2, 3
vovlap, 1, 2                           ! overlaps volumes
vovlap, 3, 4

! mesh volume 2
lesize, 9, , , 20, 1
lesize, 19, , , 20, 1
lesize, 14, , , 20, 1
lesize, 18, , , 20, 1

lesize, 11, , , 20, 1
lesize, 16, , , 20, 1
lesize, 12, , , 20, 1
lesize, 17, , , 20, 1

lesize, 8, , , 4, 1
lesize, 15, , , 4, 1
lesize, 13, , , 4, 1
lesize, 10, , , 4, 1

vsel, s, , , 2
vatt, 1, , 1                   ! associates element attributes
mshkey, 1                      ! use mapped meshing
vmesh, 2

! mesh volumn 4
lesize, 32, , , 20, 1
lesize, 31, , , 20, 1
lesize, 35, , , 20, 1

lesize, 33, , , 20, 1
lesize, 28, , , 20, 1
lesize, 34, , , 20, 1

lesize, 20, , , 4, 1
lesize, 27, , , 4, 1

vsel, s, , , 4
vatt, 1, , 1
mshape, 0, 3D                  ! specifies the element shape to be used for meshing, quadrilateral-shaped elements
mshkey, 1                      ! use mapped meshing
vmesh, 4

! mesh volume 1
vsel, s, , , 1
vatt, 2, , 2                   ! air medium
smrtsize, 1                  ! specifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element sizing
mshape, 1, 3D                  ! specifies the element shape to be used for meshing, triangle-shaped elements
mshkey, 0                      ! free mesh
vmesh, 1

! 修改不与平板(结构)接触单元的材料类型类型为空气介质(不与结构耦合)
esel, s, type, , 1
nsle, s
esln, s, 0
nsle, s
esel, inve
nsle, s
emodif, all, type, 4

! 在边界生成吸收单元(使用单元fluid130)
asel, s, , , 1, 2
nsla, s, 1
type, 3
real, 3
esurf                        ! generates elements overlaid on the free faces of existing selected elements

! 建立流-固接触面
asel, s, , , 8
asel, a, , , 10
asel, a, , , 7
asel, a, , , 5
asel, a, , , 19
asel, a, , , 15
asel, a, , , 17
asel, a, , , 20

nsla, s, 1
esel, s, type, , 2
sf, all, fsi, 1                ! specifies surface loads on nodes, fluid-structure interaction flag

csys, 0                        ! activates cartesian coordinate system
wpcsys, -1, 0                  ! defines the working plane location based on a coordinate system
real, 1
type, 1

! ---------------------------------------
! harmonic analysis
! ---------------------------------------
! 第一种后处理方式,得到空气介质的声压分布,单位为分贝
antype, harmic
hropt, full
f, 131, fY, 1000               ! apply load
nsubst, 10
kbc, 1                         ! steped load
harfrq, 337, 337               ! defines the frequency range in the harmonic responese analysis

! ---------------------------------------
! view result
! ---------------------------------------
! 对与结构耦合的空气单元和未与结构耦合的空气单元进行后处理,得到声压分布
set, first
esel, s, type, , 2
esel, a, type, , 4
plesol, nmisc, 4, 0, 1.0

1988guo 发表于 2014-2-25 10:46:13

ybli 发表于 2014-2-21 16:30
说明:1. 代码主要基于楼主代码稍作修改,不用GUI干预操作,可以完 ...


1988guo 发表于 2014-3-3 16:06:02

ybli 发表于 2014-2-21 16:30
说明:1. 代码主要基于楼主代码稍作修改,不用GUI干预操作,可以完 ...


ybli 发表于 2014-3-3 17:35:55

1988guo 发表于 2014-3-3 16:06
有个问题再请教一下,例子中第二种处理方式里uxmx不是位移的最大值吗?怎么出来的结果是对应的固有频率? ...


1988guo 发表于 2014-3-3 20:53:36

ybli 发表于 2014-3-3 17:35



cnpclym 发表于 2014-9-2 20:38:29


HardCore 发表于 2016-4-19 08:26:26

ybli 发表于 2014-2-21 16:30
说明:1. 代码主要基于楼主代码稍作修改,不用GUI干预操作,可以完 ...

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